ZodiacTrader如我預測川普成為美國新總統懸念終於落地,川普旋風回歸。 馬斯克重倉ALLIN大獲全勝。 身為投資人,我們要思考的往往是現實世界真實運作的邏輯。 而非基於民調,基於冰冷數字模型所得的結論。1d ago1d ago
ZodiacTrader為何我不支持哈里斯我不是美國競選預測專家,但有些看法和大家分享。 1)有個公眾號叫做tuzhuxi,我覺得他的一些分析很好,推薦大家去看看,有些競選指標他寫的很好。然後就是Joe…3d ago3d ago
ZodiacTraderEverything You Need to Know About U.S. Bonds: The Ultimate Bond Trading GuideThe United States bond market, often referred to as the Treasury market, plays a critical role in the global financial system. U.S. bonds…Oct 31Oct 31
ZodiacTraderTop 10 Python Libraries for Quant TradersPython has become the go-to programming language for algorithmic trading and quantitative finance due to its simplicity and the wealth of…Oct 27Oct 27
ZodiacTraderProfiting from the Unexpected: The Black Swan Trading Strategy for Market TurmoilA Black Swan Trading Strategy is designed to profit from rare, unpredictable, and high-impact events, often referred to as “black swan”…Oct 25Oct 25
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ZodiacTraderMost Profitable Trading Strategies Based on S&P 500 and Here’s How They WorkThe S&P 500 is a broad-based index that reflects the performance of 500 of the largest companies in the United States, making it a…Oct 23Oct 23
ZodiacTraderCentral Banks and Their Powerful Tools: How these banks shape today’s worldWhat is a Central Bank?Oct 23Oct 23
ZodiacTrader全球經濟將陷入債務危機?百萬億債務一觸即發自2020疫情爆發的短短4年以來,全球債務規模飆升了近20% 全球央行首腦將在下週前往華盛頓共同研討全球債務問題(我不知道為啥現在才來宣布,早就上100萬億美金了)Oct 21Oct 21