Archego 火燒連環船| 家族辦公室集體爆倉?

11 min readApr 8, 2021


今天的文章來聊下神秘的家族辦公室(family office) 。而近期導致各大投行出現擠兌以及瘋狂爆倉的Archego本身既是一家權益型多空對沖基金(Equity Long Short) 而這家對沖基金本身更是一個家族辦公室。

蝴蝶效應| 百億對沖基金經理Bill Hwang 爆倉


家族辦公室確切地來說,和對沖基金的區別在於,FO(Family Office)的主要使命是為了延續家族的財富增值以及最大化而服務的。而往往這類家族辦公室更為私密,對沖基金更多的是為高淨值(accredited investors)的高風險偏好投資者做服務的,後者的投資者更多是面向外界,並非和家族相關。


比如說量子基金的喬治索羅斯將自己的基金轉變為家族辦公室。而他的前副手Stanley Druckenmiller也將自己的財富轉換成家族辦公室並且持續管理自身的財富。當然是將其管理的資產以及分紅歸還給投資人之後再轉變為家族辦公室。

然而除了單個家族辦公室(所謂的single family office)外,同樣存在著MFO 也就是多家家族辦公室聚合起的實體。這些MFO通過整合不同的SFO,來形成更大的投資規模,參與到更加巨大的投資項目中。

這個部分就像是FOF(Fund of Fund 母基金)之於但只基金一樣。 MFO由於資金容量更為巨大,便能夠如同FOF一樣容納更多種類的投資交易策略(Arbitrage/ quantitative trading/ distressed/ event-driven/ CFA等)


當這些基金開始賺取巨大的利潤,他們的表現並不會比散戶強到哪裡,因為巨大的AUM(資產管理規模)最終導致的是幾倍的槓桿加上一些個股的急跌都能夠導致恐慌拋售以及更大規模的擠兌。而他們如此巨大的頭寸以及規模必然導致整個流動性不足,在一個毫無買盤的情況下,各家激進的家族辦公室爭先恐後地拋售手中的股票以換取現金補足保證金的缺額,以避免補交保證金Margin Call.


想像一下在這樣的環境中,券商客戶之間相互背叛甚至是為了避免虧損,相互之前front run甚至是搶在客戶拋售前自己開始拋售這些股票都是非常正常的。



在10月由PE公司KKR首次公開募股的ASO將Tiger Global列為其最大持股人之一。當然,除KKR以外,沒有另外一個機構手中擁有價值900萬股的公開股份。


While there are no clear catalysts that could have forced a margin call on the yet-unknown fund (if indeed this is another Archegos), on Tuesday, the stock did drop sharply at the open from $34 to $31, although if that modest drop alone was enough to force margin calls we dread to imagine just how much leverage this fund was using…

We leave readers with the following observation from Bear Traps report author Larry McDonald:

As the calendar turns to April, the words we have lived by for nearly twenty years come to mind. “Higher prices bring out buyers, lower prices bring out sellers — size opens eyes.”

Over the last week, it was the size of the losses inflicted on Wall St. banks — all delivered from one SINGLE family office that has caught our attention. Eight days after the Archegos hit — the scared rabbits across the Street have only been able to quantify a $10B to $12B loss, this fact gives the word “insult” new meaning.

Of course, the pain inflicted comes after the Robinhood blowup, the Melvin Capital collapse and the Greensill implosion in Europe, all idiosyncratic, NOT. The Nasdaq bulls talk up “one offs” — but the these events are piling up which points to a classic, systemic leverage breaking point. The size and breadth of today’s bull camp incentivizes market participants to downplay encroaching risk.

Almost everyone is fully invested and using leverage for more juiced returns. This crowd will go out of their way to tell the bartender it’s only midnight — when a glance toward the watch says it’s half past 2AM. Just think about how long it takes Wall St. banks to come clean to leverage losses. History tells us — the lonely truth will join us one drop at a time.

Bull markets never, EVER die of valuation old age, its the leverage blow-up which triggers the deleveraging and takes the madness out of the crowd. Just look at the ARK ETFs, the marginal — over the top buyer is taking the sword as we speak.

Every hedge fund compliance officer across the Street is now in search of the next Archegos, and they have as much trust in their prime broker as the lovely Marylin Monroe had in the playboy that was JFK. There are times to take on more risk and other inflection points which whisper into the wise man’s ear, “reach across the velvet and pull some chips off the table.” This is one of them, let the mad mob chase.

For much of the last six months we have been in the growth to value camp, pounding the table on the migration of capital running out of Big Tech over to equities in the commodity sector. As most of our long term clients know, we have never been more bullish. Our focus has been on rotation — NOT a drawdown leaking across asset classes. Today, we must make a stand. It’s time to take down risk positions across the board and let the fools chase.

The fundamental, bottom line problem with extreme frothy priced assets, any meaningful risk threat will deliver sharp drawdowns. We are far better off raising dry powder to deploy into more attractive price points.


在上週,正是華爾街銀行遭受的損失的規模-所有損失都是由一家SINGLE家族辦公室所造成的。在Archegos虧損八天后-整個華爾街的受驚機構都被迫消化高達$ 10B至$ 12B的損失。這些投行丟臉丟到家了。

Archego 當然不是孤立事件。這個是在Robinhood出現巨大虧損,GME遊戲驛站的股價出現史詩級逼空而導致MelvinCapital倒閉。同樣的,歐洲的Greensill也出現巨大虧損。可以說這次的多頭行情貪婪者的屍體都堆成山了






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