
7 min readFeb 6, 2021




Similarly, most investors are familiar with the VIX as it is frequently quoted in financial media, but few make the effort to understand how it is calculated. For the majority of speculators, it simply represents the fear index, which is not a particularly accurate nor useful interpretation.


Given that the VIX has lately been trading at levels similar to those during the global financial crisis in 2008 to 2009, investors likely perceive the market sentiment to be at peak fear level. Some investors have noted that the VIX has mean-reverted quickly over time and are contemplating to short the index.





The VIX measures the implied volatility of 30-day options on the S&P 500, although the actual calculation is quite complex. Implied volatility tends to be higher than realized volatility, which is called the variance risk and can be explained by investors paying a premium for options to hedge their portfolios. However, regardless of these well-known differences, the trends in both are almost identical.


In March 2020, the VIX reached an all-time high and breached the previous high from the global financial crisis. It seems that historically these peaks were rather sharp and implied volatility quickly returned to previous levels. In recent years this can be attributed to central banks responding swiftly to any market turmoil and actively supporting these markets via quantitative easing programs.


Source: CBOE, FactorResearch


Most central banks are mandated to manage inflation, although the generation of investors that have started trading post-2008 might believe that avoiding stock markets from crashing is also core to policies. Modern central bankers have been challenged for caring too much on how stock markets are performing; however, they are under immense political pressure, especially the chairman of the US Federal Reserve given a rather vocal US president.



Naturally, investors can exploit this relationship by betting on volatility to mean-revert when trading at elevated levels.


A systematic, theoretical model would be to short the VIX when volatility is trading abnormally high compared to its recent history and exiting when mean-reversion set in, which can be measured with z-scores. The challenge in defining such a trading strategy is the number of assumptions required. We need to define entry and exit z-scores, the lookback periods, trading costs, implementation, among others.

一個系統的理論模型是在波動率與其最近的歷史記錄相比異常高時賣空VIX,並在設置均值回歸時退出,這可以用z-score 來衡量。定義這種交易策略的挑戰是所需的假設數量。我們需要定義進入和退出z-score,回溯期,交易成本,實施等。

We need to be cautious of overfitting and create two simple scenarios where we only vary the lookback period. The entry z-score is set at 4, which results in only a few trades each year, exit z-score at 0, and we trade on signals delayed by one day. The aim is to take advantage of the short-term mean-reversion characteristics of the VIX.

我們需要對過度擬合保持謹慎,並創建兩個僅更改回溯期的簡單方案。入場的z-score設置為4,這導致每年僅進行少量交易,出場z-score 設置為0,我們對延遲一天的信號進行交易。目的是利用VIX的短期均值回复特性。

We observe that both scenarios had roughly similar performance profiles in the period between 1993 and 2020, but also some major divergences. The most significant one was in February 2018, when the VIX increased by more than 100% on a single day when stock markets declined due to the concern of the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates. The scenario with the shorter lookback wiped out all previous gains accumulated since 1993, while the scenario with the longer lookback gained as the short position was entered a few days later.

我們觀察到,在1993年至2020年期間,這兩種方案的績效概況大致相似,但也存在一些重大差異。最重要的一次是在2018年2月,當美國聯邦儲備委員會(Federal Reserve,簡稱:美聯儲)提高利率引起股市下跌時,VIX在一天之內就上漲了100%以上。回溯時間短的情況消除了自1993年以來的所有先前收益,而回撤時間較長的情況是幾天后進入空頭頭寸而獲得的

The sensitivity of these two relatively simple scenarios to the lookback period highlights the challenge of dealing with the VIX as a time series. It also highlights the risk of shorting a financial instrument can double its value on a single day, which is highly unlikely for almost all assets, except for stocks that are being acquired. There are worse events for humanity than a pandemic, e.g. a small asteroid on a collision course with earth or a minor alien invasion.

這兩個相對簡單的場景對回溯期的敏感性突出了將VIX作為時間序列處理的挑戰。它還強調了做空金融工具一天之內其價值可能翻倍的風險,這幾乎對所有資產都不太可能發生,除了被收購的股票。對於人類來說,比大流行還更糟糕的事件,例如 與地球碰撞或外星人輕微入侵的小行星。

Source: CBOE, FactorResearch


Even if a talented quantitative developer could identify a robust model to profitably exploit the mean-reversion characteristics of the VIX, there are some arguments why this might not be a sensible strategy for the majority of investors.



Behavioral Aspects

Implementing a short-volatility trading strategy will require investors to act when stock markets are typically in turmoil. There have been times when volatility was high and stock markets performed well, e.g. during the boom in technology stocks in 1999, but mostly volatility increases when stocks are declining.


實施短期波動性交易策略將要求投資者在股市通常處於動盪時採取行動。有時候,波動性很高,股票市場表現良好,例如 在1999年科技股的繁榮時期,但當股票下跌時,波動率大多增加。

Given the positive relationship between volatility and negative stock market returns on average, implementing such a strategy requires investors to allocate capital when they would be experiencing a significant loss on their equity portfolio, which is emotionally challenging for most investors.


Furthermore, volatility clusters and often lingers at elevated levels. Historically, this would have led to significant drawdowns in such a trading strategy. Few investors have the stamina to adhere to a strategy that frequently features drawdowns larger than 50%.


Source: CBOE, FactorResearch

Long-Term Perspective on Volatility

VIX data is only available from the CBOE from 1993 onward, which provides slightly less than 30 years of data. During this period the VIX only breached 50 twice, in 2008 when Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy and in 2020 during the Coronavirus crisis. We observe that during this observation period the VIX always quickly mean-reverted to levels below 20.




However, we can use realized volatility as a proxy for implied volatility and extend the observation period to cover 90 years of financial history. We observe that during the Great Depression in the 1930s volatility remained at abnormally high levels for years, which would have made a short-volatility mean-reversion strategy unattractive.


A few years ago it would have been easy to argue that volatility will not remain at elevated levels for long periods of time given experienced central bankers that studied financial history with the intent of avoiding past monetary mistakes, such as those made during the Great Depression.


However, central banks globally have already used up most classic tools of their arsenal and are forced to devise new ones. There is a risk that these are or will become ineffective and volatility to remain high for years, much like in the past.


Source: Kenneth R. French Data Library, FactorResearch

Practical Considerations

Even if an investor could stomach allocating capital when volatility is high and live through the painful drawdowns, then he would struggle to implement the short-volatility mean-reversion strategy as the VIX is not a tradable index. There are VIX futures and options, but these come with their own intricacies like roll yield and time decay.



Asset managers have launched various products related to the VIX over the years, but none replicate it precisely. Shorting volatility was a popular strategy post the global financial crisis given the frequent central bank interventions that created the buy-the-dip mentality. However, occasionally volatility spiked and led to the implosion of some short-volatility products like XIV in February 2018.


The most popular product for shorting volatility available today is ProShares’ Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (SVXY), which provides inverse exposure to short-term VIX futures and has approximately $650 million in assets under management. Although the ETF was not liquidated in 2018, it suffered a drawdown of more than 90%. After this, SVXY reduced its leverage to 0.5, but rebalances daily like most inverse ETFs, which can erode value quickly given negative compounding. As an alternative, investors could also short the iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures ETN (VXX) that provides long exposure to short-term VIX futures.

當今市場上最流行的做空波動性產品是ProShares的ShortVIX短期期貨ETF(SVXY),該產品對短期VIX期貨提供反向敞口,管理的資產約為6.5億美元。儘管ETF在2018年未清算,但其縮水率超過90%。此後,SVXY將槓桿率降低至0.5,但與大多數反向ETF一樣,每天進行重新平衡,在負複合收益的情況下,它們可以迅速侵蝕價值。作為替代方案,投資者也可以做空iPath系列B標普500 VIX短期期貨ETN(VXX),該期貨提供了對VIX短期期貨的多頭敞口。

However, comparing SVXY or a short position in VXX to theoretically shorting the VIX highlights vastly different performance. The VIX declined from 2011 to 2019, but exhibited negative skewness given explosive increases and slower declines. Due to compounding, this results in a highly negative performance when calculating a theoretical short position in the VIX. In contrast, SVXY generated high returns since 2011, but with extreme drawdowns that destroyed almost all previous gains.


Investors using the VIX as a time series when creating volatility trading strategies need to be aware that the available investment products will behave significantly differently to the index.


Especially inverse ETFs should be viewed with caution as they provide the desired short exposure on a daily basis, but given the mechanics of compounding that does not equate to a similar performance over longer time periods.


Source: CBOE, FactorResearch


Analyzing the VIX is insightful for investors as it encourages them to consider the impact of a change in volatility on their portfolios. Unfortunately, most asset classes and strategies are directionally short volatility. Developed and emerging market equities, corporate and high yield bonds, private equity, venture capital, and most other assets benefit from a benign market environment. None of these increase in value when the global economy is heading into recession, which tends to reflect in rising correlations in crisis periods.




Few asset classes or strategies benefit when volatility is increasing or elevated, although these tend to generate the largest diversification benefits and are therefore highly valuable for any asset allocation framework, even if only as a satellite position. Unfortunately, these are typically difficult to hold for investors as they do not behave like the rest of the portfolio in normal times and are therefore constantly challenged. As usual, the enemy is us.





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